Refund and Returns Policy

In the case that you must return a product or order, or if there is an order discrepancy, please contact us with a detailed reason for the return. Please include your order number as well as the full name of the product (& flavour where appropriate) and the reason for the return. We will send you the details to ship the product to our central Customer Service Center at, Consera Pharmaceuticals Inc. 136 Market Avenue Winnipeg MB R3B 0P4 Canada

Shipping and handling charges are not refundable, but we will refund your original shipping charges if you return an item due to an error on our part; a defect that we have previously determined; or a discrepancy in the order (bad product, bad flavour, etc.). If you are returning a product due to our error and wish to exchange the product, we will also pay the additional shipping costs. All FREE promotional items (t-shirts, shaker cups, samples, etc.) must be returned if an original order is returned for a full refund. No full refund will be given if these promotional items are not returned. Please contact our Consera Pharmaceuticals Inc Customer Service Center should you have any additional questions.